When going through a divorce, it might seem like you’re never going to experience joy again. Stress, chaos and uncertainty are to be expected during this process but joy? Is that something that you’ll ever be able to prioritize or seek out?
The answer is yes. Most definitely. And you don’t have to wait for a certain time, post-divorce, to start looking for it. The day after I filed for divorce, I was back on stage, telling jokes and reclaiming my joy. Connecting with an audience and making people laugh are two sources of intense happiness for me so being able to do that, while freshly divorced, was a no-brainer. Turns out divorce is great material for a stand-up set.
But your joy might be found in other places, away from spotlights and dive bars. If you don’t know what brings you joy, then it’s time to explore! Ask questions and get curious about what makes your heart sing. Small moments count, as does anything that provides that spark in you.
Where to find joy…
The following is a list of starting points, but once you start noticing the opportunities all around you, you won’t need any help finding them.
In service. Do something for someone else.
In art. Watch a film or go to a museum.
In music. Put on your favorite song. Find somewhere to sing with others.
In movement. Go for a walk. Dance.
In nature. Spend time outside. Sit under a tree.
In play. Giggle and remember what you did for fun as a child.
In conversations. Hang out with other people and have a chat.
In creativity. Write, draw or knit something.
In others. Make eye contact and listen.
Where do you find your joy? And what suggestions would you have for those struggling to find theirs?